The inflatable, hoofed Sooke-sation brought the joy of a snow day to a new level.
Commuters braving the winter weather were treated to the magical sight of the Sooke snow-blowing unicorn last week, who first appeared in January 2020.
A post on the Meanwhile in Sooke Facebook page delighted people as they shared and liked the photos of a man dressed in an inflatable unicorn costume.
David Burneau always gives his neighbours something to look forward to after heavy snow, donning the pink and rainbow-coloured inflatable and clearing his and other people’s driveways.
VIDEO: Sooke man clears snow wearing inflatable unicorn costume
In the Facebook post, Kiya Carscadden wrote that the sight brought her joy.
Judging by the comments, those in Carscadden’s car were not alone, with many comments noting that the unicorn made them laugh and that the unicorn is a tradition at this point.
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