By Don Daniels
We had the snow in December and already a fair amount of rain has fallen locally in January.
Few anglers are fishing freshwater lakes like Echo, Fry and McCreight. Road conditions will vary in each area and getting to upper regions will depend on the amount of snow on the roads. If you see iced-over areas on a lake, don’t take the chance to walk on it if you really don’t know the ice thickness.
With the milder weather and the rain, you can easily find a shore area, park and cast out to the open water. Stocked freshwater lakes around Campbell River will have a good number of catchable-size trout which can be caught from shore using white or pink power bait. A hook with a worm is a good way to get a catch of trout if you are willing to wait it out and enjoy a few hours of fishing.
Last week I had a visit to the local tackle shops in Campbell River and staff members have mentioned new people moving here are starting to enquire about fishing lakes locally. It will be another month before things start to get busier for people purchasing gear and planning their next fishing experience around Campbell River.
For some time now, getting a fishing license locally is practically nonexistent; you have to go online and some seniors still complain about it. But you can get a freshwater fishing license at Service BC here in Campbell River.
I am in contact with Arija Fisher at the Campbell River Library and a plan is being put together for people to make an appointment and use the computer to get a fishing license online but this is still in the planning stage and more information will be given out here in the weekly Fishing Corner. If you happen to be in Courtenay or Nanaimo, the tackle shops will process your license information and do a paper copy printout for you.
The next fly-tying for beginners are booked for the Campbell River Library from 1 to 3 p.m. in the activity room on Jan. 29, Feb. 26, March 26 and April 30. There is one more session at the Seniors Centre at Ironwood Mall on Friday, Feb. 3 from 1 to 3 p.m. Coffee and lunch is available starting at 11:30 and we get set to begin fly tying at 1 p.m. Anyone can attend and it is free for all beginning fly-tyers.
A table will be set up at the door and I will have another book giveaway for those who attend. Four draws will be made. Quinn and George from Tyee Marine donated a number of fly materials and hooks and we use all materials to give to participants who are in attendance.
As we get closer to the end of February a number of local lakes will be fishable and we go through a list of fly patterns that are effective in catching fish in and around Campbell River.