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SPIN MY RIDE: Dream store move to Willow Point is still just that, for now

By James Durand

By James Durand

Often in life I dream up a plan. The process of working through that plan and the final outcome all come into view.

Being that it’s a dream and I’m a positive kind of guy, I imagine the best of the best throughout this plan. Of course it will work out, I dreamt it didn’t I, what could go wrong?

I lay out timelines, set up my life around that, and make further plans to suit. It all looks perfect. It’s always sunny, I’m super fit, and I have two hours spare every day to ride. I love dreams.

But rarely does life emulate a dream. Sure the final result can be close, and in some cases better as we adapt to what is possible, but the process to get there, for me at least, never looks in reality as it did in my dreams.

You may have heard we are moving Swicked to Willow Point.

We’re super excited about this and my dream plan is going well, but not like I dreamt it.

Dream sequence: Buy old house in killer location on highway with ocean views, move shop into old house, enjoy Willow Point shop life while building awesome new shop beside house with perfect layout and lots of space, move into awesome new shop, tear down old house for parking lot, live happily ever after.

Reality: Buy old Willow Point house in perfect location, find out from contractor that I can’t use house while building new shop as space is too tight. SCREECH …STOP DREAM PLAN.

Chat with current land lord about staying put for another year (she is really awesome and said yes), demo house and build new building as quickly as possible, spend way more money because of this, vow to quit dreaming. Then, a year later, live happily ever after in awesome new shop with ocean views.

They say good things come to those who wait, so I guess I’ll try to be patient.

The final outcome will be better than I imagined, it’s just going to take a different path to get there.

So, for now, you can find us in our original location in Campbelton, but keep an eye on 2424 South Island Hwy and you can watch the progress along with us. Try to be patient though, apparently big projects don’t happen over night.

I’m James Durand and I’m Going’ Ridin’…