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Time to call the bluff

One member of council seems to think a land-swap is on the same level as borrowing $15 million?

So much for the disfunctional family at Campbell River City Hall.

One member of council seems to think a land-swap is on the same level as borrowing $15 million?  The prime reason for government existence is to provide basic services, yet locally, there seems to be a focus on soccer fields over providing sewer /water services? IF this borrowing proposal goes to Referendum, we must make sure the $5 million soccer field budget gets the same scrutiny as the sewer upgrades. Again, we might see it get defeated by the taxpayer, despite council’s wishes. It’s time to call the bluff on the other levels of government we are feeding. So the money was ear-marked for a playing field? Spend that money on the sewer upgrades, then get the media cameras in the faces of any regional /federal /provincial bureaucrats stating playing fields are more important than sewer systems.

Governments all over the world are struggling to maintain infrastructure or warm-and-fuzzy projects implemented back in the days when money was free and easy. Our mayor seems to understand this problem. In 14 months, the most logical thing he could do is run a slate of logical people who can make city hall accountable and functional.

Rob Erickson