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Seniors ignored again

Seniors get stiffed by Campbell River Council which seems to prefer spending millions on Robron Park

Re: Turf the Robron project... (Mirror letter, July 5).

Yes, I agree with Marina Mactavish – scrub the Robron development for now. I believe we need to bring our aging infrastructure into top shape first.

Often projects like Robron can run over-budget. A risk analysis and cost benefit would be an interesting read to see how you came upon your decision.

To take my reasoning to a different level, the 600-member Seniors Club approached the city and were turned down. Now I know there are less soccer players than seniors in this city, so why the difference?

I believe the seniors have all paid their fair share of taxes and should be treated with more respect for our efforts to build a clubhouse than was showed by city council. Both Courtenay and Comox have beautiful facilities, and we could too if we could only work together.

Come on all you seniors, take your pen in hand let council see that you have had it with the raising of taxes year after year. I am sure there are a few councillors who have totally forgotten who is paying their wages. I think it is time to give them a tax revolt to deal with in the coming year. I will be organizing it if things don’t change for the better.

John Hoff,

Campbell River