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Jocelyn’s Jottings: So long and thanks for all the fish

My dear Campbell River,

My dear Campbell River,

I’m sorry to say that we have to break up. Yesterday was my last day at the Mirror and I am leaving you this “letter” in hopes you will understand.

It’s not you, it’s me.

I got a job offer, a promotion of sorts, that I can’t pass up. And so I will have a mini-holiday with my little sister and then I will pack up my car and I will drive to Revelstoke.

Yes, I am moving back to snow and cold. I am moving away from the killer whales, of which I saw my first just the other day. I am moving away from the many amazing people I have listened to and laughed with. I am moving away from the co-workers who brighten my day and the causes that empower my spirit.

I must be crazy.

But, my dear Campbell River, though you are irreplaceable I am sure I will find success and friendship wherever I go...

How did you like that? My first and only attempt at a love letter, just for you.

But that is as far as the joke goes. I am leaving. I handed in my key to the office at the end of the day yesterday.

I am nervous, but as a very good friend said, being nervous is how you know you are pushing yourself, and that is when the magic happens.

I am moving to Revelstoke to be the editor of the Review.

And before I go I want to say thank you.

In the two years I’ve lived here I’ve learned, grown and met more amazing people than I ever thought possible in a city this size.

I want to thank the people who do amazing work in the community, work that inspires great stories that I have the privilege of telling.

I want to thank the people who shared their stories with me. I am always amazed and grateful at what people are willing to entrust me with and I hope you feel I did your stories justice.

I want to thank my co-workers. Without your laughs and sarcasm I might have given up on journalism altogether.

(This is starting to sound like an awards speech.)

I also want to thank my very first Campbell River friend, to whom I said “You’re the first young person I have met here, would you like to go for coffee sometime?” Thank you for saying yes my friend, I’ll miss our weekly lunch dates.

So to wrap up this mess of a good bye, I want to leave you with three things that I have learned in the past two years.

Sometimes if you outright ask someone to be your friend, they will say yes and it will be the best thing that ever happens to you. Be brave!

Sometimes sticking it out and fighting the good fight is worth it, but it is always important to know when to tap out and move on. Be resilient!

Representation and inclusivity make the world a better place. Be loving!

And lastly, retorts that consist of the joker saying “your face” aren’t as awful as they might first sound. Have fun!

Catch ya later Campbell River.