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EDITORIAL: B.C. Ferries strained by overpopulation

Overcrowded ferries struggle to keep up with demand
The Spirit of Vancouver Island makes its way between Vancouver and and Vancouver Island on July 26, 2013. (Howard Sandler -

For all the criticism it receives, there’s one big factor beyond B.C. Ferries’ control. Overpopulation.

Too many people tax our transportation infrastructure, and that’s particularly true with ferries.

There’s only so much capacity, and we’ve reached it based on continuing logjams at ferry terminals on the Island and the Lower Mainland. Short of putting a massive cruise ship size vessel on the routes capable of handling thousands of people simultaneously, the situation isn’t changing anytime soon.

With the current vessels in service, B.C. Ferries can only take so many vehicles on each trip. And what will happen if more people continue to show up and push the limits? No one is going anywhere fast.

Sure, extra sailings are usually added to handle some overload and keep everyone moving as quickly as possible.

But knowing it will be a hectic time and the potential is for long waits at the ferry terminal, why do people travel on long weekends? If there’s an option for another time mid-week and later in the evenings on weekends that doesn’t include a holiday, why not take it?

Because people are naive, knowing this information fully ahead of time and take their chances, only to complain bitterly when it all doesn’t work out. We’re at the point where, again, due to the massive population growths of this region plus tourist traffic, you can count on it being busy all the time and ferries departing with plenty of vehicles left behind.

It’s a fact of life now, just like in B.C. Parks where there are too many people vying for the same finite space for recreational activities.

There is no real solution other than patience, and if you test the limits and it doesn’t work out, you only have yourself to blame.

– Black Press