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Avoid wood smoke

Wood smoke causes dizziness, eye and throat issues and long term health issues

Living in Campbell River is not good for my health or anyone else that lives near homes that burn wood.

I have burned wood in northern locations and a simple look outside at the chimney told you how cold it was as the smoke would go straight up the colder it became, but here it just lingers over the roof of the houses.

The Health Canada website (query wood smoke) and read “Avoid wood smoke” as it lists all of the reasons for not burning wood. When you have four neighbors and no wind it penetrates the house with the windows closed. Dioxins from driftwood (salts) have well established health issues. Dioxins also dissipate very slowly in the environment. Driftwood should never be burned.

Ironically there are no flowers allowed at the hospital, smoking is banned almost everywhere, no perfumes at the workplace yet I have wood smoke on sunny days at 20 degrees Celsius 7 to 8 months a year.

Wood smoke causes dizziness, eye and throat issues and long term health issues with the heart and lungs (numerous others are listed with Health Canada).

Neighborhoods that burn wood should be avoided on your next house purchase for you and your family’s health.

David Sutherland

Campbell River