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Watering restrictions take effect in Sayward

Summer lawn watering restrictions in place from June 15 to September 30
(Photo/Wikimedia commons)

Sayward residents will have watering restrictions in place from June 15 to September 30.

Residents have been asked to be mindful of their water usage to ensure that all community members receive adequate supply of water throughout the summer months.

The restrictions are also to ensure that sufficient reserve supplies are available for emergency fire fighting purposes if required.

Watering is only permitted between 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 1o p.m. on designated days for even and odd number homes.

For even-numbered residences (homes, apartments, condo building, mobile homes etc), watering is permitted on even days of the month.

For residences with address numbers ending in an odd number, watering is allowed on odd days of the month.

Parking lot, driveway and car washing is also permitted only on designated watering days.