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Streamkeepers immersed in their work

*Well, at least their feet are
Participants in the Greenways Land Trust streamkeepers course gather for a photo Saturday at the end of the first day of this two day course at Quinsam Hatchery. This is a fun and educational two-day course that introduces individuals to the practice of stream stewardship activities such as stream surveying

Greenways Land Trust conducted a streamkeepers course at Quinsam Hatchery this weekend.

This is a fun and educational two-day course that introduces individuals to the practice of stream stewardship activities such as stream surveying, water quality testing, and stream invertebrate identification.

The instructor, Dave Clough, is a Registered Professional Biologist who has worked on restoring fish/stream habitat and training habitat stewards for over 25 years.

Those who successfully complete the course will be awarded a Streamkeepers certificate. Participants who wish to continue their work in Campbell River streams will be put in touch with local streamkeeper groups in the area so they can help to ensure the continued health of our local watersheds.