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Gold River winter angling closed to promote steelhead conservation

The province is closing winter angling on the Gold River and tributaries from Dec. 1, 2018, to May 31, 2019, to support steelhead conservation.

The province is closing winter angling on the Gold River and tributaries from Dec. 1, 2018, to May 31, 2019, to support steelhead conservation.

Even though catch-and-release angling accounts for a small percentage of annual mortality, the closure will protect the small resident population from angling-induced stress and mortality.

Stock assessment information indicates the Gold River winter steelhead population is vulnerable to local extinction.

Angling will be closed on the Gold River downstream of the Muchalat River, including tributaries, but excluding the Muchalat River and the Heber River.

The province is working closely with the BC Conservation Foundation, local First Nations and other partners to investigate reasons for the steelhead decline and consider opportunities to positively influence fish stocks.