The Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC with the Early Childhood Educators of BC and The Waitlisted Project are coordinating province-wide “Stroller Brigades for Childcare” to encourage people to vote in the upcoming Federal election on Oct. 21 with early care and learning in mind.
Childcare advocates around the province are holding Stroller Brigades on the weekend but tather than holding one large community-wide Stroller Brigade, Campbell River-area childcare centres are being encouraged to hold their own Stroller Brigades at their locations on Monday, Oct. 7. Cari’s Infant & Toddler Centre is holding its Stroller Brigade at 10:30 a.m. on Monday and is inviting anyone to join them.
A press release from Cari’s says, “Did you know: child care funding is managed by the provinces, but a portion of that funding comes from the federal government? Together we need to ensure that whoever is elected on Oct. 21 protects the $50 million B.C. receives for child care – and commits to grow that amount over time. Families and Early Childhood Educators want the same thing and together we need to highlight the importance of child care and let our local MP candidates know that we need continued federal investment in child care and other early learning programs. Let your federal candidates know: Families and Early Childhood Educators are in this together. We all want the same thing: quality early childhood education for our children, affordable and accessible child care, and decent wages for educators.”