A new sign has been installed at the entrance to Campbellton in Campbell River, as a way to welcome visitors to the neighbourhood.
The sign is part of efforts by the City of Campbell River and the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association (CNA) to work together on rebranding the neighbourhood, while focusing on the area’s historic roots and its proximity to the Campbell River and outdoor adventures.
“We’re thrilled to finally have a neighbourhood welcome sign that defines the Campbellton area and highlights the new Campbellton brand we’ve been working on for the past couple of years,” said Laurel Cronk, CNA board member, in a press release.
“Many people drive through Campbellton without even realizing that the river is in our backyard, so we hope that this welcome sign will remind locals and visitors of all that Campbellton offers—the old, the new, the nature, the wildlife, the activities—it’s all right here in our ‘river village.’”
The ‘neighbourhood welcome sign’ was installed by the City’s Parks Department and Grant Signs on Jan. 19 at the corner of Highway 19A. The project cost $15,000, funded by the city, with work-in-kind provided to the CNA by Grant Signs and materials donated by Island Ready Mix and Windsor Mill Sales.
Other revitalization projects the city and CNA have partnered on include a public viewing platform at Spruce Street and signage for a new seven-kilometre bicycle loop, the ‘River Route.’
“City Council and staff truly appreciate the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association’s ongoing work and their dedication to the revitalization of the Campbellton neighbourhood,” said Mayor Andy Adams.
“The neighbourhood sign extends a warm welcome to residents and visitors, and hints at all the attractions, activities and amenities that Campbellton River Village offers. The City of Campbell River is proud to be the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association’s partner for this and other projects supporting the new Campbellton brand.”
READ ALSO: New Campbellton bear statue unveiled
New Campbellton ‘River Route’ soon to be opened
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