City Councillor Ron Kerr is officially running for re-election, announcing his decision this week.
Ron has spent the last 45 years in Campbell River, raising his family. As a businessman he says he has a unique view of the growth potential of our city and he gives numerous hours of his time to many boards and commissions.
“The last seven years as city councillor have been the most challenging and rewarding period of my life,” he says. “It has been a great experience assisting in the management of growth opportunities in Campbell River, working together with industry, while being considerate of economic, social and environmental issues.”
Throughout his terms on council Kerr championed several important local issues, including developing an affordable housing strategy, developing a local response to the opiate and addiction crisis, and reviewing bylaws around noxious and invasive plant species in Campbell River.
Kerr says he has remained dedicated to helping the city, and stakeholders, create safe environments for the homeless. These include the new Sobering Assessment Center and a new Downtown Safety Office.
As a director on the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital Board, Kerr says he has worked to see the new North Island Hospitals rise from concept to completion.
“Not only is this a great benefit to our Seniors,” he says, “but it is vitally important to provide excellent health care services for the well-being of our entire community.”
Kerr has also given strong support to the Campbellton neighbourhood encouraging development of a Community Garden, new sidewalks, streetlights, and a new Riverfront Park.
“Sustainable jobs, more spaces for activities encourages our younger families to plan a future here. A more vibrant, diversified community assures a strong future,” he says.
Kerr says he is also proud to have assisted in improving communications with other local governments like First Nations, Regional Districts and Comox Valley communities.
“We can’t create prosperity while being independent from each other,” he says. “With our many volunteers, groups and committees, we accomplish an enormous amount. Together we make Campbell River an attractive and safe community. I would like to continue the work of keeping all of us involved. I believe working together with respect and integrity, we can achieve all our goals while making Campbell River a place we are proud to call home.”
Some of the positions Ron Kerr has been appointed to include Director of Strathcona Regional District for six years, Director of Comox-Strathcona Regional Hospital Board and Waste Management Board for seven years, Public Safety Committee and Community Action Team (Overdose prevention), the Community Health Network’s Table of Partners, the Executive Board of Vancouver Island Regional Library for five years, Board Chair for Community Services, Culture and Recreation Commission, as well as sitting on the Strathcona Gardens Commission.
He invites anyone who has any questions, or would like to support his re-election bid, to email