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Chamber membership is just good business

Campbell River District Chamber connects businesses and organizations across the community
Campbell River & District Chamber Chamber Executive Director Mary Ruth Snyder interviews RCMP Inspector Jeff Preston on Chamber TV program eXplore.

From its beginnings in the 1930s as the Campbell River Board of Trade, the Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce has provided a platform for organizations at every level to have a voice, connect and create partnerships.

Working to help the entire community prosper, the Chamber strives to be the organization where business, all four levels of government, community organizations, colleges and school districts come together and connect.

The Chamber collaborated on a website portal called major projects with BC Hydro, which served to raise awareness and connect the business community with the general contractor for the John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project, now completed.

This collaboration continues with a focus on proposed upgrades to the John Hart, Ladore and Strathcona dams, with the Chamber connecting local companies and workers with the procurement process and major contractors. Service, supplier and subcontractor companies can now register to show their interest in the coming projects.

“We have a seat at almost every table, which creates possibilities for us to connect people,” says Chamber Executive Director Mary Ruth Snyder. “Almost every day I have a conversation with someone who I’m able to connect with a resource or partnership that they weren’t aware of.”

In another collaborative initiative during COVID, the Chamber joined forces with the Tidemark Theatre and launched two TV programs. Thanks to a grant from the Island Coastal Economic Trust and support from the BC Touring Council the Tidemark invested in digital broadcast equipment to create top-quality productions. Now that the theatre is back to its regular programming, the equipment is allowing them to stream most of their offerings. The Chamber shows have now moved back to the Shaw Spotlight studio.

The first program – eXplore – is an exploration of the arts, community and culture, and the expansive and diverse array of lives on the north Island. The second – Insights & Business – is a wide-ranging discussion with industry professionals from across the business spectrum.

You can view both on ShawSpotlight Channel Four and the Chamber’s YouTube Channel.

Why Chamber membership matters

With the Canadian Chamber of Commerce reporting an unprecedented one million job openings in Canada, the connections and leadership Chamber membership brings is vital, Snyder says.

“The Campbell River & District Chamber is an extension of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and the BC Chamber of Commerce – combined – the most powerful, dynamic network in Canada!”

Membership also offers more than 30 cost-saving benefits – gas and shipping discounts and options for extended health benefits.

For a complete list and details, visit

Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce connects the community.
Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce connects the community.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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