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Careers in Caring program directs young people to health care jobs

NIEFS launches new employment training program

A new program will help steer North Island young people to careers in health care.

The North Island Employment Foundations Society (NIEFS) launched a new youth employment program designed for people aged 16-29. The goal of the “Careers in Caring” program is to provide people with access to a career path, focusing on high-demand jobs in health care, community and social services, and early childhood education.

“The “Careers in Caring” program is a game-changer, offering a unique opportunity for youth to enter a sector with incredible growth potential,” said NIEFS executive director Shannon Baikie. “Our support is rooted in the belief that investing in the next generation of caregivers will benefit not only the youth participants but the entire North Island.”

The initiative is widely supported by key North Island employers in the care sector, an area projected to have the highest number of job openings in B.C. over the next decade according to the 2022–2032 BC Labour Market Outlook. With a commitment to addressing serious worker shortages in jobs that touch the lives of all north islanders, Careers in Caring is an opportunity for out-of-school, unemployed, underemployed, or precariously employed youth to gain relevant, in-demand skills, pursue meaningful work, and build lasting connections to care economy employers.

The “Careers in Caring” program is a 12- week, virtual/hybrid cohort based program that will:

- Provide young adults with the training, certifications, and skills needed to work effectively in healthcare, childcare, and community social service environments

- Assist youth in taking the necessary steps to launch their careers in one of the North Island’s fastest-growing labour markets

- Provide a participant training allowance equal to minimum wage based on program participation

The program has gotten support from North Island employers in the care sector, and is funded by the provincial Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

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