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Quadra Island poet to present reading of “The Ridge” poem

Writer Robert Bringhurst ‘doesn’t waste a sentence’ — Author Barry Lopez
Quadra Island Community Centre. Photo by Marc Kitteringham/Campbell River Mirror

Quadra Island poet Robert Bringhurst will be performing a reading of his poem “The Ridge” on Oct. 21.

Sierra Quadra is presenting a reading of the poem at the Quadra Community Centre on Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m.

“The Ridge” is not only an epic historical and environmental portrait of Heriot Ridge on Quadra Island, but this profoundly poetic reading is also a major literary event with one of the foremost writers and thinkers who is presently being published.

Bringhurst is the winner of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence, and a former Guggenheim Fellow in poetry. Trained initially in the sciences at MIT, Robert has made his career in the humanities. Widely celebrated for his work not only in poetry, but also in typography and Native American linguistics, he is an Officer of the Order of Canada and the recipient of two honorary doctorates. He is the author of many books, an editor to numerous others, and a prolific contributor to many more. He lives on Quadra Island, just a few minutes walk from the ridge.

“The Ridge” is a long poem, by modern standards. It will take about 80 minutes to read, with an intermission about half way through. It does, however, cast an enchanting spell, very much like the old poems and stories that once captivated listeners for hours and even days.

It is, in the words of the American environmentalist and author, Barry Lopez, very much “like night lightening: the dark is suddenly lit by language beautifully crafted and by riveting thought. Bringhurst writes for the eye, the ear, and the mind all at once, and he doesn’t waste a sentence.”

Bringhurst has generously offered to do this world-premier reading as an environmental fundraiser for Sierra Quadra. Admission is by donation.

“Rarely do we have the opportunity to hear such a large, expansive and ambitious poem being read with the authenticity intended by its famous author,” said a release from Sierra Quadra. “This first and complete public reading of The Ridge will be a landmark literary event.”

Desserts and refreshments will be available. Copies of “The Ridge” will also be available for purchase. A few minutes at the end of the reading will provide an opportunity to meet and chat with the author.

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