Spring is here – and that means the selection committee for the Campbell River Art Gallery’s Annual Garden and Art Tour is looking for new gardens to share with the community.
The committee is looking for interesting gardens to add to a selection of longtime favourites for the annual tour, which raises funds for children’s programming at the Campbell River Art Gallery.
Any and all sizes and types of gardens are considered, from beachfront acreages to small city lots. Gardeners who would like to share their love of the soil– and help raise funds for the Campbell River Art Gallery at the same time – are needed. Feel free to forward suggestions of beautiful gardens in your neighbourhood to the selection committee. They’ll tour all suggested properties in advance.
The self-guided Garden and Art Tour, sponsored by Royal LePage Campbell River, is scheduled for June 22 and 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and tickets are $16 per person, which includes a catalogue and map. A tour by bus will be available through the Campbell River Community Centre.
For more information about the Garden and Art Tour, call the Gallery at 250-287-2261, email admin@crartgallery.ca or drop by the Gallery at 1235 Shoppers Row. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, noon until 5p.m.