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Meowsers! Organization celebrates 10 years of rescue work on Quadra Island

Quadra Cat Rescue has helped fund spaying/neutering and vaccinating of over 650 cats and kittens
Quadra Cat Rescue is celebrating its 10th anniversary next week with a celebration at the Heriot Bay Inn. Black Press File Photo

Quadra Cat Rescue will mark 10 years of working to reduce the number of unwanted cats on Quadra Island with a U of Q presentation on all things cats (including door prizes!) at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, at the Heriot Bay Inn.

“We’ll be highlighting what Quadra Cat Rescue has done to date, and the work yet to do, especially with getting pet cats fixed before they can reproduce, and ongoing trapping programs in areas where the cat population has been left unchecked and turned into a colony,” says cat rescue volunteer Kristene Perron, who also runs a cat boarding facility in Quathiaski Cove. “Since spring is kitten season, it’s a good time of year for a reminder about the importance of spaying and neutering before kittens are six months old. We need all pet owners working with us to control the cat population – and we urge anyone needing help to contact us.”

Over the last 10 years, Quadra Cat Rescue volunteers have raised funds and coordinated spay and neutering as well as vaccinations for approximately 650 cats and kittens.

“This has prevented thousands of births, and still we have far more kittens being born here than we have homes for,” says volunteer Valerie van Veen. “Thankfully, over the last few years, Pacific Cat Clinic in Victoria has been willing to help us adopt dozens of those kittens into good homes.”

Fundraising is a constant effort, and the group has recently received news that one source of grant funding will be substantially lower this year than in past.

“It’s a struggle to make ends meet with the number of strays and abandoned cats in need of fostering and medical care, and all funds raised pay directly for cat care,” van Veen adds. “We are fortunate to have Tru Value Foods Spirit Points that help us buy cat food, and art cards for sale featuring six original pieces of artwork by Michael Duncan that help support our cause.“

The art cards are available for $5 each at Inspirations in Quathiaski Cove. People can also donate to Quadra Cat Rescue through the island Coastal Community Credit Union branch.

If you miss the U of Q presentation and would like more information about homeless cats and kittens, contact Quadra Cat Rescue. Also, for help with getting pet cats and kittens fixed, or to volunteer, foster, adopt, or make a donation, reach volunteers by telephone at 250-285-CATS (2287), email or find details on Facebook.

Can’t adopt or volunteer but want to help with a donation? You can sponsor one of the many kittens in need. $400 spays or neuters and kitten and provides basic vet care for a healthy start. Donate to the Quadra Cat Rescue credit union account or mail a cheque (Box 291 Heriot Bay, V0P 1H0). Or use PayPal through the website at

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