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Local physician marking retirement with fundraiser races

Obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Kirsten Duckitt raising support for three health charities

Local obstetrian-gynecologist Dr. Kirsten Duckitt is running a fundraiser to mark her upcoming retirement from an 11-year career in Campbell River, over which she delivered more than 800 babies.

Duckitt has started ‘Running into Retirement,’ a fundraiser for which she will be complete five races — ranging from a one-mile run to a full marathon — before the end of September, as part of the Royal Victoria Marathon Flush Virtual Run Series. She will be raising money for three health charities: Campbell River Hospital Foundation, Victoria Hospitals Foundation and the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island.

She is launching the fundraiser not only to direct parting recognition from patients and colleagues to these causes, but also to stay active.

“People are very kind in Campbell River, and many who I have delivered babies for have been asking, ‘do you drink red or white?’ she said. “Even though the answer is ‘yes,’ I felt it was better to suggest something like this.”

Duckitt is an experienced runner, having completed three marathons and around 20 half-marathons.

“I’m a very slow runner, but it’s one of the things that relieves stress and keeps me fit,” she said.

To date, 12 supporters have donated to Duckitt’s campaign, raising $675 — exceeding her goal of $600. She selected the three recipient charities for supporting her partients, as well as herself — having recieved an operation to fix a blocked coronary artery in 2015.

“The cardiologists at the Royal Jubilee (Hospital) really saved my life and enabled me to carry on running,” she said.

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