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Canadian Tire helps kids get in the game

Health: Jumpstart program encourages kids to get exercise
Campbell River Canadian Tire employees Ashley Abbott (left) and Meghan Kern encourage their customers to help bring back play for youths in the community through support for the Jumpstart pgrogram. Donate $2 and receive a Jumpstart Red Ball as a gift of appreciation.

Spring is finally here and with it, the sounds of laughter and kids playing are in the air once again.

Bike rides, shooting hoops and playground fun are just some of the ways kids get active in the spring and summer months.

It’s a good thing too, because recent reports show that Canadian kids just aren’t getting enough exercise. According to the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology, kids should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every single day. Unfortunately, for many children that simply isn’t the case.  This spring and summer, consider enrolling your child in an organized sport or physical activity, such as soccer, baseball, swimming or cricket. Freida Rubletz, Regional Manager, Jumpstart Programs Greater Toronto Area, Canadian Tire Jumpstart, explains that in addition to the physical benefits, organized play also helps to:

  • Increase self esteem and self confidence

  • Develop leadership skills

  • Improve academic performance

  • Teach healthy lifestyle habits

“As important as physical activity is for our young people, the reality is that 1 in 3 families in Canada can’t afford to enrol their kids in organized sports or physical activity programs,” continued Rubletz. “Charities like Jumpstart remove some of those financial pressures so all kids can have the opportunity to get in the game.”

Help bring back play in your community this May by supporting the Jumpstart Red Ball campaign. Head into your local Canadian Tire, Mark’s, Sport Chek, Atmosphere or National Sports store and donate $2 in exchange for your own Jumpstart Red Ball, representing the gift of play you are giving to a deserving child. One hundred per cent of your donation helps kids in your community. To learn more about how Jumpstart is making an impact in your community or to make a donation, visit

Campbell River’s Canadian Tire helped 385 kids get involved in sports and activities last year through Jumpstart bringing the total to 1,712 since 2001.