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Campbell River is a garden city

Jeanette Taylor and Marcy Prior will prove that point with a slide presentation on March 28
Marcy Prior

We have the ideal climate and viewscapes in the Campbell River region to make for fantastic gardens.

Jeanette Taylor and Marcy Prior will prove that point with a slide presentation on March 28 at 7 p.m. at CR Art Gallery.

Taylor and Prior have combed the voluminous slide archives at the gallery, which has hosted an annual garden and art tour for nearly 20 years.

“We have a treasure trove of fabulous images to share,” says Taylor. “If you haven’t thought of Campbell River as a garden city, we’re going to prove you wrong!”

Taylor says the focal point for their talk is the creative ways that people express their individuality in their gardens. They’ll feature landscapes where the gardeners work with extreme challenges, like a steep slope or a postage stamp yard in a trailer park. They’ll also show off some gardens that frame magnificent views, whether it’s a woodland acreage on the bend in a river, or oceanfront properties that look out over the Strait of Georgia.

Taylor is the longtime executive director of the gallery and one of the key organizers of their annual Garden & Art Tour. She’ll be joined on Thursday evening by artist and horticulturalist Marcy Prior, who will share ideas for the kinds of plants that work best here.

“I’m always impressed by the imagination and creative expression people put into gardens,” says Taylor.