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BC Transit honoured with 2 awards during annual transit association conference in Montreal

Two awards went to BC Transit’s safety and security and marketing and communications teams
The Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) honours BC transit with two awards during this year’s annual CUTA Awards. (Courtesy of CUTA)

BC Transit was recognized with two awards from the Canadian Urban Transit Association during the annual conference and transit show in Montreal.

The first award was presented for playing a huge role in evacuation and supporting the communities that were affected by flooding during last year’s atmospheric river event in November.

The team was praised for their dedication and professionalism when the province was hit with three major storm events that saw entire communities evacuated and caused highway closures across British Columbia.

In total, BC Transit and its partners aided in the evacuation of over 1,100 people from hard-hit communities such as Abbotsford, Merritt and Princeton.

The second award was given for the #ThanksTransit Campaign, which encouraged transit employee appreciation.

“The #ThanksTransit campaign this spring was a great way to show all our drivers and transit workers across the province how appreciated they are,” said BC Transit president and CEO Erinn Pinkerton.

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The Canadian Urban Transit Association works to connect public transit agencies and advocates for government investment in public transportation systems.

For more information about the awards, visit


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