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Claiming Town Hall was ‘non-partisan’ claim is grossly inaccurate: Letter


Hello Marc (Kitteringham). I just wanted to thank you for your article in April 3rd CR Mirror.

For the Town Hall meeting to be advertised as non-partisan and not affiliated with any political party was grossly inaccurate. I completely agree with you that this non-stop campaigning is inappropriate and the politicians should be doing the work of the constituents rather than constantly engaging in campaigning. I am sure most people will really appreciate your article.

It was very sad to see our mayor and majority of council endorse provincial and federal candidates which has no place in municipal councils no matter what party is being endorsed. I see they also attended the Town Hall meeting.

READ MORE: Housing, health care and emergency preparedness discussed at BC Townhalls event

However, they have completely ignored our concerns for five years about the Campbell River hospital lab being unsustainable, turned a blind eye and there is a dire crisis now which we told them would happen. Without the lab we have no functioning hospital. They have failed 54,000 people that our hospital serves.

Thanks again.

Lois Jarvis

Campbell River