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Won’t need to face off with a banner in order to have my say

Thanks Alistair for encouraging people to express their view in Letters to the Editor. Sometimes I think some of the writers of the letters should work for you, they write so movingly!

Thanks Alistair for encouraging people to express their view in Letters to the Editor. Sometimes I think some of the writers of the letters should work for you, they write so movingly!

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The issues around abortion have been around for decades and people take one side or the other and promote their views, usually fairly passionately. It seems undeniable that every person of sound mind should have the opportunity to determine what happens to their body in all medical treatment, in sexual encounters and in the case of pregnancy, in determining the life of the unborn. Soon we will have genetic manipulation widely available for the determination of “designer” babies at only a few weeks, so people can affect the nature of the baby that is born. Those decisions imply responsibility and accountability.

All these things are up for discussion and debate. But, the nature of being fully human, fully free means that we have to act knowing that we are responsible for the results of our decisions. No blaming circumstances, other people, alcohol or poverty. We cannot always control the actions of others toward us, but we can determine our response. Self-determination is the glory and the terrifying reality of being a human being.

My eyes light up every time I see a baby, a sweet child, a loving grandparent, and a socially active, lively functioning teenager. To me, life is endlessly fascinating and I can’t imagine why anything is more important than living. Giving life to another is a high calling and a great privilege.

So because of you, Alistair, I won’t be out there ‘facing off’ with a banner on this emotive issue. I have had my say in this Letter to the Editor. Thank you.

Ruth McMonagle