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Message loud and clear

Area D residents would be better served as part of the growing Campbell River community

With respect, Ms. Leigh’s efforts to on behalf of Area D residents have done nothing more than obfuscate matters and kept residents in the dark ages.

Living mere metres from the Campbell River city boundary, at the junction of Jubilee Parkway, residents would be better served as part of the growing Campbell River community. Times change, and so should the boundaries. Area D residents voted in favour of a sewer extension more than five years ago, much needed for health and sanitary reasons. The fact that the negotiations have dragged on this long, without consultation or ongoing communication with the involved constituents regarding options, suggests that the Area D representatives are not listening or seriously interested in a solution that truly meets the needs of their constituents. I’m afraid that Ms. Leigh is misinformed about the wishes of Area D residents. If the City of Campbell River holds public consultation meetings they will hear loud and clear from this constituent that there is a strong interest in moving the boundary line in order to benefit from city services - including a long-overdue sewer extension.

David Rees