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Lighten their wallets

If such irresponsible dog owners are inconvenienced by having their pets impounded and their wallets lightened, I’m all for it

I’m not a dog owner, I am a grandparent. Over the Easter weekend my grandchildren, ages 5 and 10, were visiting from Edmonton.  Taking advantage of the gorgeous weather, we went for a walk on Saturday morning. On the way home, we planned to stop at the little park on the Old Island Highway at Larwood Road to watch the ocean and talk about the tides.  As we approached, I saw a large dog roaming the area – and no owner in sight.  Perhaps the owner was down on the beach, however, the dog was definitely not “under control” and had free access to the park, the sidewalk and the road. I was not about to approach the dog with young children in tow so, after waiting on the sidewalk for a few moments to see if the owner would appear, we continued home.

If such irresponsible dog owners are inconvenienced by having their pets impounded and their wallets lightened, I’m all for it. Perhaps that will finally drive home the message that the rest of us also have the right to enjoy these public spaces which represent the fruits of our (tax-dollar) labor.

Darlyne Shane