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Letter writers need to educate themselves on how liberal democracy works – letter

After reading the letters to the editor on March 2, I think it behooves writers and editors on a newspaper to educate people on how a liberal democracy works by suggesting they read at least John Stuart Mills’ On Liberty and maybe the French Declaration On The Rights of Man because, frankly, the writers do not have a clue as to what they are writing about.

After reading the letters to the editor on March 2, I think it behooves writers and editors on a newspaper to educate people on how a liberal democracy works by suggesting they read at least John Stuart Mills’ On Liberty and maybe the French Declaration On The Rights of Man because, frankly, the writers do not have a clue as to what they are writing about.

Your liberty ends when you impede mine and you simply cannot pass disease on and block streets in the name of your individual freedom. Marc Kitteringham was on the right track and should be encouraged to continue.

June Macnab