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Just try to stop me picking up trash

My wife and I have been picking up garbage for months in the Willow Point recreational area

Re: Volunteer, CUPE trash Campbell River’s no pick up order (Campbell River Mirror, June 7, 2013)

Mr. Milnthorp should get out of his office and look at this town.

My wife and I have been picking up garbage for months in the Willow Point recreational area in and around the woods surrounding the sports fields. The first time I decided to do this I picked up over 20 shopping bags of garbage. Every weekend when we play disc golf we take a garbage bag with us and get a least one bag of garbage and several drink cans.

Where are the city workers picking up this garbage? I actually have seen them driving over garbage with their lawn mowers and leaving it there.

I just want you to know. Let the city try and stop me and my wife from making our playing areas more attractive and safer for everyone. I will not stop!

Fred Rossiter

Campbell River