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I have the right to look at points of view with a critical eye, not just accept without question – letter

I find it interesting that the letters to the editors complaining about so called freedoms and tolerate other points of view make so many false statements unsupported by the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I find it interesting that the letters to the editors complaining about so called freedoms and tolerate other points of view make so many false statements unsupported by the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I take issue with Mr. Macdonald when he states that people are losing faith in government. The majority still vote and participate in government. Just because the majority don’t vote the way he wants doesn’t make it any less of a democracy.

The Ottawa truckers represented just 10 per cent of the industry yet they held hostage many in Ottawa. How about the mall workers who lost hours and pay because of the shutdown? Who was standing up tor them, certainly not the truckers?

He states that Trudeau is the law breaker, when it was the convoy that held Ottawa hostage and trampled the rights of the residents living under constant threats and harassment.

Meanwhile, convoy leaders, when questioned about the harassment, stated that there was collateral damage in any protest. So I guess that freedom is in the eye of the beholder.

As far as the Churchill quote, it actually is “Democracy is the worst form of government except for all of the others.” As far as the faith in media, your letter was printed.

Regarding Ms. Cliffe’s letter, I take issue with her comment regarding fighting to protect freedoms when the convoy leaders refused to disavow the Nazi and Confederate flags that were in the forefront of the protest. My father fought in WW 2 against the Nazi symbol that she so proudly defends. Those of us that have difficulty supporting the removal of rights represented by the Confederate flag don’t have a lot of faith in that so-called “right” that flag represents.

She states that we have been taken over by tyranny. I wonder how my Ukrainian friends really feel about the real tyranny currently in their country? We see Ukrainian families say their goodbyes to their loves one and not know whether they will ever see them again fighting for freedom in Ukraine, while some protesters here complain about having to wear a mask? I must have missed the memo regarding the removal of the right to vote, for example, a true test of tyranny.

I agree that we all have the right to our point of view and vote our conscience. Unfortunately, her point of view is not supported by the facts. For example, she suggests that there is no right or wrong, but it is wrong to put people in danger by blindly following some Internet opinion not supported by facts based in science.

Lastly, I agree that we should look at the other side. However, I have the right to look at points of view with a critical eye, not just accept, without question, some thoughts. I wonder how her critical her examination is?

Lastly, the comments regarding the cartoon reflected a point of view that accurately portrayed the protest. Again the freedom of the press allowed the comments by Mr. Kerr to be published.

Sterling Campbell

Campbell River