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Boomers are the greedy rogues whose excesses have sent humanity down the path

Thanks for the recent Opinion comment by Barbara Roden called “Time to ease off millennials.”

Thanks for the recent Opinion comment by Barbara Roden called “Time to ease off millennials.”

See: The Editor’s Desk: Ease off on millennials

I couldn’t agree more. We Boomers are the greedy rogues whose excesses have sent humanity down the path to the current environmental climate emergency state we are all in. Okay Boomer, get out of the way so that the next, smarter and more balanced generation can make the changes needed quickly.

If you can’t get out of the way then get on the train of change and help push it as fast as you can with your shoulder to the wheel and your face of shame staring down to the earth that is the only home humanity has ever had and that you chose to ignore.

Me – born in ‘58, I wish I could say my generation was great. It ain’t.

Tom Tinsley
