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Thriving, prosperous, vibrant community

Three questions for city council candidates – Claire Moglove
Claire Moglove

1. My vision is a thriving, prosperous, vibrant community with good jobs for all ages and amenities to fulfill the needs and desires of most residents.

Amenities which go beyond the bare essentials of water, sewer, roads, garbage pick-up and protective service. Amenities which include a new state-of-the-art hospital, recreational facilities, arts and cultural facilities and an expanded cycling/trail network. My vision builds on what we have now – a spectacular waterfront community populated by talented, caring and industrious residents.  Simply put – my vision is a city where people of all ages want to live, work and play.


2. I believe I have made a significant contribution to council during my first term, in particular helping guide the hospital issue through challenging political channels, asking relevant questions in relation to the issues that faced our council, and by researching policies and efforts of other communities.  I do my homework to make sure I have a sound understanding of issues as they arise, both at the City Council table and at the regional boards to which I have been appointed.

I will continue to do so should I be re-elected.  I do not have all the answers and so I keep an open mind and listen to all information before making a decision.

3. How do you plan to improve communication at City Hall?


a) We have existing tools which are under-utilized:

The City’s website should be revamped to make it user-friendly and informative.  Improvements have been made recently but more needs to be done;

The “City Currents” page in local newspapers should be expanded to include clear and understandable information on a variety of issues and should also correct media-reported misinformation in a timely fashion;

Expand the use of social media;

b) Continue to improve internal communications at City Hall so that Council, staff and employees all have clear information.  City staff and employees are the best spokespersons to communicate the city’s policies and plans.