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Organizing Fishing Derbies for trout or salmon takes work

Over the years, fishing derbies for trout or salmon can be as simple as a few guys or gals getting together with everyone throwing in a few dollars and the winner who catches the biggest fish wins the pot
Participants in the 29h annual Muchalat Lake Trout Derby.

Over the years, fishing derbies for trout or salmon can be as simple as a few guys or gals getting together with everyone throwing in a few dollars and the winner who catches the biggest fish wins the pot.

Its bragging rights for the winner and sometimes a trophy is awarded which can be carried over to the next year.

At various salmon lodges, it's quite common for the customers to organize their own derby and a side bet is often made with the guides to see who wins the money for getting the biggest fish. Also, various communities will get together and start a derby and proceeds go towards raising money for a special project to help raise some funds and, at the same time, it's an outing for the family. 

The 29th annual Muchalat Masters Family Fishing Derby was held Aug. 9-11 at Muchalat Lake. The Toonie Derby was held on the Friday. Fishing was on the Saturday and Sunday with prizes awarded Sunday afternoon. Darrel Glass and his derby crew approached various businesses in Gold River and area and Campbell River for prizes. You have to give organizers credit for putting the event on. It takes time to get prizes for an event like this. In total, about 31 trout were caught over the three days. 

The Gold River Rod and Gun Club is holding a Salmon Derby Sunday Sept. 1 with fishing first light to 3 p.m. Weigh-in will be at the Gold River dock from 2 to 3 p.m. Entry fee is $50 per entry. There will be a prize for the first, second and third biggest salmon along with a kids prize. Pr-Registration is required, contact Darrel Glass 250 283 2040 or Gary Foster 250 203 9916. 

The Quadra Island Salmon Derby is being held Aug. 31 to Sept.1. All proceeds go to Quadra Island Children Centre, contact Chris for information 250 2046252. 

The 2024 Anchor Inn Ladies Fishing Derby is set for Sept. 19 to 22. There are cash prizes to be won and categories are heaviest Chinook and heaviest other fish along with a guide prize. For information contact the front desk at the Anchor Inn, participants are responsible for obtaining their own fishing license. 

With the chum salmon being closed, organizers of the Browns Bay chum derby have not made a decision on derby status but they will be discussing any possibilities. 

The Campbell River is full of pink salmon and soon the silver fish will start to turn dark and their life cycle will be over. We were fishing beside a group of anglers and one guy was snagging fish with a treble hook, the fish was released but he kept fishing with the treble, a verbal exchange was made and everyone carried on as usual. I use a single barbless fly and all barbs are pinched off. Standard fly colours are pink, purple and I tried orange and it got me results.