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BC Bike race competitors roll through the woods in Campbell River leg

Hundreds of competitors set off in waves from the start line of Stage 6, the Campbell River leg, of the seven-stage BC Bike Race

Hundreds of competitors set off in waves from the start line of Stage 6, the Campbell River leg, of the seven-stage BC Bike Race.

The annual mountain bike circuit rolled into town and gathered at PRT Nurseries Ltd. where competitors set off for kilometres of smooth, swift trails through the woods of the Snowden Demonstration Forest, a course that has been dubbed "the Green Room." The Campbell River course is unique on the seven-stage circuit that visits six different communities on Vancouver Island: Victoria, Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, Cumberland, Campbell River and Cumberland again (Stage 1 is registration day in Victoria). It is less technical but fast and flowy through "loamy ribbons of rust-coloured dirt winding through a thousand shades of green" as the official BC BIke Race blog described it.