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Campbell River's ElderCollege offers record number of courses this spring

An information is on Friday, Feb. 7 at 1:30 p.m. at NIC campus in Campbell River
There will be an information session on Friday, Feb. 7 for the upcoming Campbell River ElderCollege programs this spring.

The ElderCollege in Campbell River is offering a greater number of courses and opportunities than ever before this spring.

The subjects covered range broadly, including art, crafts, city planning, the environment, cultural exploration, health, history, investing, music, photography, research, technology, travel, and writing, according to a Jan. 29 media release. With a remarkable selection of 37 courses, there truly is something for anyone 50 and older.

The spring programs run from March to May and are single-day or short-run courses on a variety of topics. These are presented by knowledgeable volunteer course leaders with the goal of celebrating lifelong learning, with no tests or pressure. Funds raised through ElderCollege course fees go to create two $1,000 bursaries that support North Island College students, according to the college.

Currently, those 50-plus may pay the $10 annual fee in anticipation of being able to register starting Feb.10. Registration is ongoing until five days before each course begins, says the college.

An information session is taking place on Friday, Feb. 7 at 1:30 p.m. at NIC campus in Campbell River. 

For more information, check out: Register online or in person at North Island College at 1685 S. Dogwood St.