City crews will be using an ancient method of pruning the London plane trees along Shoppers Row and Pier Street from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays from Jan. 20 to Feb. 11.
The London plane trees are pruned biannually as part of the City’s street tree maintenance program, according to a post from the City on social media.
Called pollarding, this ancient pruning method works to retain mature trees while, at the same time, managing tree size and root growth, says the City. By early summer, the London plane trees will be back in full leaf.
While the tree pruning work is taking place, the public can expect minor traffic delays, and portions of the sidewalk will be closed. Some parking stalls will also be temporarily allocated for equipment. Attempts will be made to complete the pruning as quickly as possible with as few disruptions to local businesses as possible.
For more information, contact or 250-286-4033.