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Helping families discuss dementia

Are you having difficulty talking about dementia with the children and teens in your family? Wondering how much you should say?

Are you having difficulty talking about dementia with the children and teens in your family? Wondering how much you should say?

The non-profit Alzheimer Society of B.C. can help.

Area residents can sign up for a free tele-workshop for family caregivers that explains what children and teens need to know to better understand dementia, and offers suggestions on how to help them interact with the person.

Children, Teens and Dementia runs on Thursday, May 30 at 7 p.m. Visit or phone toll-free 1-866-396-2433 to register.

Tele-workshops are learning sessions designed for family caregivers, but also open to health-care providers.

For more information on visit the Society website at