"Oh, great. Here comes another ask from a local business owner to support local, but with the internet, global markets, direct-to-consumer options, and a tight economy, why should I support local just so these small businesses can get fatter?"
I know most of you probably didn’t have those last thoughts, but some of you did, so here are a few reminders of why it pays to support local.
A lot of local small businesses, being residents, with kids, neighbours, and friends, all within this community, are heavily invested in that same community.
It’s a big circle. These businesses sell goods and services to the locals. There is some profit there so the local business owner and their families can survive and put some food on the table, and, in turn, these are the same people who support, contribute to, and enhance our local community.
You might see charities that could never exist without that local support. Maybe it’s minor sports that can’t survive without some donations of cash, time, or advertising. Or even think about the mass amounts of taxes paid each year by small businesses. It’s significant, to say the least.
At Swicked Cycles, we use Quality Signs for our printing needs. I am not sure, but if I searched the internet, I could probably find someone who saves me a few per cent on these projects, but the crew at Quality are not only fair, but their service is so far above and beyond some online providers. It’s a no-brainer.
They help us with design, layout, and costing. The work is always top-notch and quick. The pricing is more than fair.
So with all that, it’s an easy choice to use this local company, but one of our main reasons is their contributions. Every service group in Campbell River is offered big discounts for their printing needs, and Quality Signs is a major sponsor of Campbell River Minor Hockey and Minor Baseball, and it doesn’t stop there.
At Swicked, we do many community cycling events and have always partnered with our Local Boston Pizza. Chris and Cyndi are always keen to get involved and support our events, as well as create their events to enhance the community. On top of that, they donate cash to local minor sports teams. They have been big supporters of the Tour de Rock for decades. They provide meals for the needy and support our local cycling club, and local races as well. It’s an impressive amount of energy spent to maintain all this community support.
Have you heard of Fitness Etc.? Well, if your kid plays hockey, house-league hockey, girl's hockey, co-ed hockey, or rep hockey, you’ll know Chad, the owner. He’s involved in every level of hockey you could imagine, and without people like this, I wonder if minor sports would even exist. The cost of his involvement must be astronomical for him and his business, but more important, is the time he spends. He shows up to help coach practices when he doesn’t even have kids on the team, and he organizes endlessly.
He’s a passionate guy who truly believes in the importance of minor sports, and he puts his money where his mouth is daily.
Let's not forget your local cycling community. This one is close to my heart. We opened up Swicked Cycles in 2010, and from day one, it was our mission to enhance the local scene. We want people to have every opportunity to ride bikes, learn about the local riding, put people together to ride and socialize, and do our absolute best to get youth involved in cycling. I don’t think you would argue that anyone else does more than Swicked regarding group rides, charitable contributions, youth rides, or general promotion for the North Island cycling community.
You might think that these local businesses are just trying to muster up some sales but believe me, there are far, far easier ways to earn a buck, and spending thousands upon thousands and endless hours doesn’t come from a desire to make money. I can guarantee that 100 per cent. These locals just care and want to contribute to their community... your community.
So, next time you’re dropping into your big national department store, your cold and calculated global retailer, or searching online for that discount, please realize that your local mom-and-pop shop does far more for our community than you might think. Walmart, Amazon, and Wayfair don’t care about what happens in Campbell River or any small community, in my opinion.
Check with your local retailers and ask them point blank, “What do you do for the community?”
A lot of retailers are hurting right now due to a tentative economy and some post-COVID effects, so please try to keep the local retailers and services up and running with your support.
It would be tragic to see any of these strong local community-minded businesses disappear, along with their contributions, while Walmart and Amazon make another billion dollars.
I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin'