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Campbell River kids weekly night ride a highlight

By James Durand

By James Durand

Back in April we started the kids mountain bike club. We ride every Tuesday afternoon through the local trails.

I love coaching and it really is fun watching these kids improve week to week. But, adding the kid’s Tuesday night ride, in addition to hosting group rides on Monday and Thursday nights every week, can be a bit taxing on a guy’s schedule.

I see my two kids less, and I actually ride less on my own now just due to a lack of spare time.

I was recently thinking of getting another leader to help, or switching it up somehow to make it all work. Then, I had to miss one week due to an illness, and I missed the following Tuesday due to a business trip.

I found myself in a Montreal hotel room Tuesday night pouting because I was missing the kids ride. Wondering if they were having as much fun as normal. Hoping that my fellow leader, Andy, was managing okay without me.

Not only did I miss a ride, but they had a field trip into the Snowden Forest and Pumphouse trails, and the weather was perfect.

So I guess I won’t be finding another leader or rearranging schedules. It turns out I can’t wait for Tuesday to get here.

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’…