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Same old time worn sugar coating used as justification

Letters to the Editor

Re: CREC: Landfill puts water supply at risk, Campbell River Mirror, Friday, March 25, 2016

With the application to expand operations into Campbell River’s watershed by Upland Excavating, one only has to look at the fiasco that the residents of Shawnigan Lake have had to go through to convey the same situation facing Campbell River.

As fine a community member as Upland Excavating is, the bottom line is that they are a business and they must make a profit. And they must make the proposal glossy and acceptable to the community.

And the same overworked and time worn phrases are being used: jobs for local people. Unfortunately, the announcement of job creation is a stale, time-worn sugar coating that has been used for decades to entice people, even to the point of accepting a potentially detrimental and possibly catastrophic situation.

We have to ask ourselves: jobs at what cost?  Especially when we are talking about the drinking water for city residents.  Campbell River’s drinking water is ranked among the best in the world, and it is appalling to think that a local company would in any way jeopardize that.

Ron Dworski

Campbell River