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Community Foundation charts Campbell River’s vitals

Mary Ashley

Campbell River’s first Vital Signs report was launched on Tuesday evening.

The document amalgamates statistics from the 2011 census, information from other provincial and local organizations, and the community foundation survey results to measure the viability of the community and support action towards improving the quality of life.

From estimates of how much the population of 85 plus year olds will increase by to graduations rates and number of museum visits, the report lays out the information about the people, their needs, their wants and their income, as well as suggestions from members of the community.

“We have also been a resource community since our inception (logging, mining, fishing). Although these resources still employ many people, they have changed. We need to diversify even more where there are new opportunities,” said a resident who completed the Community Foundations anonymous survey.

Others called for more low income housing, easier access to facilities that can help individuals going through mental health crises and plans that ensure clean water for future generations.

Where the report criticizes, it also celebrates.

the arts and culture sector has grown in the last decade. Not only are the library and museum well utilized, the number of working artists and residents employed in cultural occupations has also increased.

Campbell River also sees higher rates of community belonging, volunteerism and and voter turnout than the provincial average.

Vital Signs concludes with “Ten ways to take action.” The report recommends embracing, sharing, discussing and applying the information to make positive changes happen. Routes to take action include volunteering or donating money to causes that work to make Campbell River a better place to live, as well as sharing the information in the report with politicians and decision makers to use when making policies.

The report can be found on the Campbell River Community Foundation website.